Sunday, January 17, 2010

5 Question Friday (yes I know it's Sunday)

Mama M started the 5 Question Friday if you want to check it out go here:

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? went to Waco at 16 without telling my parents and my car broke down

2. Are you a morning person or a night person? morning

3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter? 2 handed, or rather 2 thumb

4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is). Republician

5. Are you a pet person? yes a dog person, but I cannot have any b/c Addison has really bad asthma

trying something out

Just trying to post a link.


It has been one year since I have started working out!!! I did have to stop for about a month when I had foot surgery, but other than that, I have been working my butt off, literally!

I have lost 15 pounds in the last year and gained a lot of strength. I have run three 5k's this year and did a one mile run with my daughter Reese in December.

I have also taught a Boot Camp class at the YMCA for a few freinds, and I did a great job. i found out that i really love teaching and oddley enough, I love to workout.

I feel great in my skin now. I have a lot more cofidence in my self. I have worked very hard to get where I am and plan to keep this up!!