Monday, February 28, 2011

Hospital Pictures

Feeling better on Sunday

Going to play

Saturday missing her birthday party

Friday night at the ER

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Addison got sick on Thursday, with what we thought was an asthma attack. She didn't sleep at all Thur. night. Friday I took her to the dr and her right lung was almost completly blocked, her dr wanted us to keep a close eye on her and if she got worse take her to Dallas to the hospital. After we got home Addie played and acted fine, but around 6 she became hysterical crying for her daddy and saying she was getting sicker. I called Cameron tp come home from work and he finally got her calmed down. We realized she was working very hard to breath, so we decided to take her to Medical Cirty Children's Hospital in Dallas. We arrived about 9 and they took one look at her and put us in triage. They got her stats and put us in a room. Her oxygen level was around 89-90. She was put on oxygen. Within an hour we had x-rays and blood work. The staff was amazing. She received a cute dog when she got to the er, she got an adorable pony Ty beanie baby in x-rays and another cute dog when we were in our room. The staff checked on us asking if we needed drinks or anything. They had cartoons on tv and pictures on the ceiling. The dr came in and told us she definitely had pneumonia and started an antibiotic iv. Around midnight we got our room.

She didn't really sleep at all Friday night and was pretty sick. Sat. her oxygen levels stayed around 95 with the oxygen. She did breathing treatments every 3 hours. Saturday night, even with the oxygen her levels kept dropping below 92. Sunday she was able to get off the iv and the oxygen! She felt much better. Sunday night her levels stayed about 94 and we got to go home on Monday!!
It has been a week ans she is doing great, her appetite is finally getting back to normal.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Today my wonderful husband, went to the store and bought me roses. He then bought them to me at work> It was so sweet. I know it may not be as romantic as having them delivered, but for two people trying to have ALL bills, other than our house, paid off by December, this was pretty awesome. He also bought the girls a Barbie and a cute card.

We have been together for 13 years!!! We have been married for 8 1/2.

I love my husband :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Here are a few of the personalized necklaces and bottle cap pendants that I make!! let me know if you are interested.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Four years ago on February 1, 2007 Addison Ryleigh was born after 45 minutes of labor and no pain meds! She was so different from Reese. Reese was long, skinny, and bald. Addie was short, chubby, and had a head full of black hair!! She was 7 pounds even and 18 3/4 inches long. I see you!
Just being cute


About 3 hours after she was born

Reese meeting her for the first time

Little chubby baby

So sweet

The day before Addison was born